Sunday, February 5, 2017

Clerke revolver by Technicorp

I suppose If you have come across this post its because one of these guns came into your possession .

They are a neat little gun and are shiny as can be . 

The Clerke pistols are interesting pieces in history , being one of the first Saturday Night Specials . 

It was manufactured in response to a portion of the Gun control act of 1968 known as the "sporting purposes" standard for imported firearms. For the most part they made a list of features , calibers and other things they didn't like .

Now don't get me wrong there some good things GCA of 1968 did but most are pretty bogus and should have been beyond government control .

Moving on...........

 The check list prevented small ,low cost and concealable pistols that were being imported to no longer be available   . For the most part Domestic gun manufactures were pleased as the public pretty much had to buy what they were selling "normally at much higher prices "  .

With the void created my the GCA of 1968 new manufactures seen opportunity and started making firearms to fill the void . 

There Is loads of info out there about many of the Manufactures of Saturday Night Special pistols and the  Ring Of Fire pistols as well out their .

Sadly there really isn't a  whole lot on   Clerke Technicorp in one place "guess I'm trying to change that " .

So here Is the Basic info I can find .

Clerke Technicorp

Santa Monica, CA (1971)
Company later relocated to florida

Revolvers seem to be considered Possibly the Worst revolver ever 

Caliber seem to be .32 S&W and .22LR 

Capacity 5 rounds of .32 S&W 6 rounds .22LR

Semi auto Pistols:

Calibers .22LR and .380 ACP

That"s all I know 

They exist And some seem to go for a pretty penny and were available in various common calibers .

They were mentioned in a article From the New York Times June,20,1975 Main bit of info Here is that they sold for less than $20 dollars when new.

Apparently Serial Number 1 was a gold plated gift to the plant Manager

Friday, February 3, 2017

Upgrading the trigger on your Century Arms C308 is pretty simple it just takes money . $65 - $70
Bill springfield does a impressive job reworking Cetme and G3/HK91 trigger groups and for a good price .

CETME - Trigger creep reduced up to 94%+, rough feel is smoothed out, pull weight reduced 50 to 60% from the factory 10 to 12 lbs pull. Sear bar is unitized to the trigger to eliminate trigger slop $65, option to reduce trigger over travel add $4. The complete pistol grip is needed. $80 +
Williams triggers list there trigger pull weight at 4-5# and if you have a HK91 trigger assembly and safety lever you want to use there trigger work on them is a bit cheaper . $169.95 +

PTR, HK91 - .308 Enhanced Trigger Pack - Match

Each trigger pack has been customized by the famed & renowned HK trigger smith, Bill Springfield. Trigger slack take up is eliminated and over travel is reduced. Pull weight averages 5-6 lbs, trigger creep is greatly reduced to a very short, smooth, crisp hammer release. 
Note: you will need a G3/hk91 safety lever to go with this pack .  

Friday, January 20, 2017

Century Arms C308 : Hope I can find this kind of accuracy with the right ammo.

I was a bit curious about what the Century Arms C308 accuracy potential was .
I figured I would be happy if it was less than 6 MOA .
But as more reviews are popping up every week It may very well be more accurate than what I thought "with the right ammo" .  

So here are a few quotes from reviews and links to the articals 

I shot the C308 from prone at 100 yards. Five-shot groups from the C308 averaged just under 3.5 inches, with some loads from Black Hills and Federal shooting into just over 2 inches. The best group, produced with the 175-grain Black Hills load, measured 1.55 inches, followed closely by a Federal Gold Medal Match group measuring 1.58 inches.

The best group, shot, like all of these groups, at 100 yards with sandbag rests and the Lucid L5 rifle scope mounted to the rail, was turned in by HotShot’s 146 grain .308:

Best accuracy at 100 yards was achieved with Buffalo Bore 175-Grain Sniper ammo, but handloads, Set Point, and Federal Gold Match did almost as well.

The steel-cased Wolf ammo I had on hand was fun but not particularly accurate, delivering around 3.5-inch groups. My best was actually a 1.3-inch group with Hornady Zombie Max ammo

Can't wait till I have a wide enough selection to spend a day seeing what will do the best in my rifle .

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

A Cetme / Century C308 spare parts are cheap .

I am a self admitted pack rat  and I can be a bit obsessive when I find something interesting .

I don't think I have bought one gun with out buying accessories for it  .

Spare parts are something I like to keep around and some don't count them as accessories but I do . Parts kits for the Cetme rifles are cheap " well even parts individually are pretty cheap".

CETME Model C Parts Kit, .308/7.62mm 

Everything but a barrel and receiver "yes a few parts need converted to semi auto " and now you have a wood stock set  so you add some color to your all black  C308

>< $174.99

CETME Model C Rifle Armorer's Kit, 7.62X51

These are loaded with good parts and tools . Now whats actually included is a luck of the draw deal but normally the part listed most frequently missing is the magazine loader .
