Thursday, February 20, 2014

Redcat Racing Gound Pounder Quality .

Well at this time I still like the Ground Pounder but I do have a few words of warning .

Construction quality of 1 I received and the one my step father have has proven to be vastly different.

Examples :

Several screws on my  truck are longer than they need to be .None of these are in places were they are a issue but it seems like they ran out of the right length screws and substituted what ever would work from what they had.

My step dads trucks shocks has had a mild amount of sticktion where the shocks hangup after not being cycled for a bit .

My shocks were horrible after a lot of work the rears are smooth as butter and the fronts are waiting there turn ( expect a post with pictures showing a tear down when I do the fronts ) .

His motor has 30-40 packs minimum through it and despite a hiccup its still chugging along my motor is junk after 5 packs . The arm that holds and applies tension to the brush broke off.

So am I mad NO I bough this RC to modify to my taste.


Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Redcat Racing Ground Pounder spec's

Redcat list some of the spec's for the Ground Pounder but it seems a few  are looking for more detailed information . More will be added as I have time.

Wheel Base 317 mm
Width          336 mm
Axle width  11'' inches hex to hex

Motor 20 turn 540 

ESC waterproof Hobby wing WP-1040

Rim size is 3.2 inch and uses a 12mm hex . Basically Common rims that fit the E-Maxx and T-Maxx will fit if you use 14mm or 17mm wheel  hex's there are lots of options . Most recommend the 3/4 inch stable maxx offset for additional tire clearance.

Tires are 3.2 inch inner diameter and 6.25 on there outer diameter.  

Stock setup doesn't feature foam inserts in the tires

Transmission ratio's and possible wheel speed stock.

Differential Ratio: 3.30
Transmission Ratio: 1.68
Other Ratio: 1
Spur Tooth Count: 81
Pinion Tooth Count: 23
Total Voltage: 8.40
Motor KV: 3216
Tire Diameter (inches): 6.25
Top Speed (MPH): 25.73

Pinion and spur Pitch is standard 48 pitch and not mod.6 as stated on the stock replacement pinion.

The smallest pinion that can be use with the stock spur gear and without altering the stock adjustment channel is a 17 tooth pinion.  

Monday, February 17, 2014

What pitch Is the Redcat Racing Ground Pounder Pinion and spur.

So what did I learn to day .

That Redcat Racing's part's Number BS701-019 is miss labeled . There website states : Pinion Gear 23T (.6 Mod), M3 Screw ~ . This is partially in correct it is a 23 tooth pinion but it not mod .6 / metric 48 pitch it is in fact imperial 48 pitch go figure . So don't waste your money if your looking to gear your Ground Pounder down  on .6 modual pinions as you will burn through a spur in no time.

P.S. if your new to the hobby the best deals on 48 pitch pinion gears is the Robinson Racing Six pack starter set Part # 1050 / 1055 .   
Part #1050 comes with a 16T 18T 20T 22T 24T 26T steel pinions Part # 1055 comes with 15T 17T 19T 21T 23T 25T steel pinion . There a heck of a deal at as each set normally sels for less than $16.00 .

Well I been playing with the Ground Pounder .

I decided early on I wanted more grunt out of the Ground Pounder. So I Swapped the 23 tooth pinion for a 19 tooth pinion and to be honest I feel it needs more torque still If its going to replace the Clodbuster for my purposes .

I played a little to day and shot a little video sadly I forgot to change the camera settings so not the best quality but hey its a running video.

I will soon be adding to the broken parts list its only a matter of time.