Well a found out about a RC track close to where I live (not real close but close) I made a visit a while back on a practice day and was impressed by there 2 tracks 1 indoor offroad and 1 outdoor offroad and this past weekend I went back to watch a race .This past weekend they were hosting a race for the Circle City electric offroad championship series or
CCEORCS for short . Can't say there was a huge crowd of spectators as pretty much everybody was there to race but there were a few . To my wife's dismay this definitely has stirred the idea of me going racing but first I have to free up some funds to buy a new 2wd buggy as they don't have a 2wd stadium truck class and I would also need to buy a transponder to participate but neither of these will prevent me from showing up on practice days to play around for a bit .
Well to wrap this up if your around the Indianapolis west side I recommend stopping in and checking them out they also have a small hobby shop on site and i'm sure if they don't have what you need they would be glad to order it for you . For more details visit there website
http://www.e2raceway.com/# or their face Book page.
https://www.facebook.com/esquared.raceway?fref=ts .
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