Well at this time I still like the Ground Pounder but I do have a few words of warning .
Construction quality of 1 I received and the one my step father have has proven to be vastly different.
Examples :
Several screws on my truck are longer than they need to be .None of these are in places were they are a issue but it seems like they ran out of the right length screws and substituted what ever would work from what they had.
My step dads trucks shocks has had a mild amount of sticktion where the shocks hangup after not being cycled for a bit .
My shocks were horrible after a lot of work the rears are smooth as butter and the fronts are waiting there turn ( expect a post with pictures showing a tear down when I do the fronts ) .
His motor has 30-40 packs minimum through it and despite a hiccup its still chugging along my motor is junk after 5 packs . The arm that holds and applies tension to the brush broke off.
So am I mad NO I bough this RC to modify to my taste.